AmigaActive (31/2143)

From:Simon Mason
Date:1 May 2000 at 17:41:33
Subject:Re: Basic or C

Hello Stephen

On 30-Apr-00, you yapped about: Re: [amigactive] Basic or C

> Do you mean the one in the Sega Mega Drive, or Master System ? Or even
> Spectrum.
> Mine was the 128 +2a

The Speccy it was (I aint no spring chicken no-more!). And I found it as
well (buggers knacked though). Oh, well at least I found my ZXSpectrum as
well. Joy of joys - and my tapes, jet set willy, spellbound etc.

Custom architecture and Workbench ? Who needs it?!!

(only kidding, by the way - but Sinclair Basic is fun!)

Skeleton at keyboard: Still waiting on Windows.

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